The viral Facebook sensation Susie's Senior Dogs has amassed over 500,000 fans as it advocates for the adoption of elderly dogs. Now Erin Stanton (Susie's owner) has written a heartwarming, compelling collection of "happy ending" adoption stories...

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Experience the deeper, sweeter love of senior dogs with Unconditional. This captivating collection of photographs and anecdotes is a one-of-a-kind celebration of humans’ special bond with, and love for, their senior dogs. Since 2012,...

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A charming, delightfully photographed tribute to the older dog, with essays and poetry. Gandhi once said, "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way that its animals are treated." How people regard older animals is...

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Twenty canine experts reveal the stages of your dog's life, ailments he may encounter and provide remedies and solutions for your senior dog's care.  They share therapies, treatments and simple techniques for the senior dog that embrace both...

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